What is the Curley Difference?

大主教科利学院的教学方法与其他学校的不同之处在于,它更注重个人. This focus extends to our academic, 课程和技术计划,是正规的玩彩平台学校的方济各特色的直接反映. Curley’s size, a community of 550 students, 为正规的玩彩平台照顾的年轻人提供了一个更大的学校的所有机会,同时保持了一个每个学生都受到重视和知道名字的社区.

What does it mean to be a Franciscan school?

大主教柯利高中是巴尔的摩市和马里兰州唯一一所全男生的方济各会高中. This means that we are shaped by the example of St. Francis of Assisi. Commonly known for his ministry to the poor and his love of nature, St. 方济各试图使耶稣基督的经历在他所遇到的人的生活中成为现实. 在柯利担任牧师的方济各会修士和与他们一起工作的男男女女都努力灌输圣. Francis.

What is Curley looking for in an applicant?

Archbishop Curley seeks a young man who is achieving to his academic potential, has an interest in participating in our co-curricular program, has a deep respect for the rich tradition of Archbishop Curley High School, 致力于为“柯利家族”的文化做出积极贡献,并努力成为一个伟大的人.

What is the cost of tuition and is financial aid available?

Tuition for the 2024-25 school year is $18,650. 每个家庭都有机会申请经济援助,柯利努力为有需要的家庭提供援助. Last year alone we distributed more than $1 million in aid. 申请经济援助的家庭必须通过FACTS完成经济援助申请. 所有在注册HSPT时将柯利列为第一或第二选择的学生, are eligible for all merit based academic scholarships, endowed scholarships, general grants, athletic grants and instrumental music scholarships.

What does the typical academic schedule look like for a freshman student?

典型的大一课程包括六门全学分和两门半学分的课程. The core curriculum for freshmen consists of courses in Theology, English, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Math and Science. Curley operates on a six-day cycle schedule with rotating class periods. Freshmen have two study hall periods built into the six-day cycle.

What is the average class size?

The average class size at Curley is 17 students.

How does Curley incorporate technology into the classroom?

Archbishop Curley utilizes a Bring Your Own Device Program (BYOD). 所有学生都被要求每天在教室和家里使用笔记本电脑. 这种BYOD的学习环境使正规的玩彩平台的教师能够将新兴技术融入学生的教育体验中. With the immersion of a laptop into the daily curriculum, the classroom has shifted to a student-centered model. BYOD计划旨在培养柯利学生在21世纪的大学和专业水平上取得成功的关键技能. Critical thinking, problem solving, 在一个旨在激发创造力和创新的环境中,协作能力是一些被强调的技能.


How are academics at Curley structured?


大主教柯利高中严格的学术课程挑战每个学生发展在他选择的学院或大学取得成功所必需的技能.  正规的玩彩平台的专职教师通过学习过程指导学生,帮助他们最大限度地发挥潜力.  Curley’s required courses provide a firm foundation for future success, 同时向学生们介绍选修课程,旨在为未来的大学专业和职业打开思路.

In the Franciscan education model, 每个柯利人都处于一个主动的学习环境中,要求他思考, discuss, investigate and create.  In these ways the student accepts more responsibility to grow in knowledge, thus preparing him to be a lifelong learner.


St. Bonaventure Scholars Program

For an elite group of students, the St. Bonaventure Scholars Program offers an academic challenge beyond the honors curriculum. The St. Bonaventure学者项目是一个综合体验,将高水平的学术课程与课堂之外的机会和经验相结合. A Capstone Project, the Days of Discovery program, 州外大学访问为获得该计划录取的学生提供了丰富而全面的体验.

Honors Program

Archbishop Curley’s Honors Program 旨在挑战有才华和积极进取的学生追求大学先修课程(AP)和荣誉水平课程. 大主教柯利与当地几所学院和大学保持着关系, 鼓励学生通过双录取机会获得大学学分.

St. Anthony Program

The St. Anthony Program 多面大学预备课程是专门为那些由于学术挑战而需要适应性学习的年轻人设计的吗, a diagnosed learning difference, or different learning styles. 该项目旨在为学生提供支持,并为毕业生提供在下一阶段教育中取得成功所需的工具.


How do families schedule a visit?

A Friar For A Day visit is the best way to experience all that Curley has to offer. 通过创建一个帐户和注册一个方便的时间使用正规的玩彩平台的互动日历安排一个修士一天的访问.

Does Curley accept transfer students?

大主教柯利接受转学生在其大二和大三班入学. Curley将只接受特殊情况下的高级调任,并将以个人为基础审查这些申请. 预计转学生将在学年开始时开始他们在柯利的任期, 但在某些情况下,学校将允许学生在第一季度末或年中转学.

What is the student dress code?

The student dress code at Curley consists of dress or khaki pants, a solid-colored dress shirt, dress shoes, a tie/bowtie. A sport coat is required from October through April.

Does Curley provide College Counseling services?

大主教柯利设有两个全职大学辅导员,并为所有学生提供全面的大学咨询服务. On average, 99% of our graduates continue on to college, 去年,2024届毕业生获得了来自17个州164所四年制学院和大学的1700万美元优秀奖学金. 近年来,柯利学院的毕业生被包括美国空军学院在内的一些美国最好的大学录取, Brown, Clemson, Arizona State, West Point, Columbia, Notre Dame, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech, Maryland, Morehouse, Virginia, Howard, Johns Hopkins and many others.

What kinds of activities can my son participate in after school?

大主教库里提供了一个全面的田径项目,有14个运动项目的28个团队, an award-winning fine arts program and a multitude of clubs, intramural sports, and students organizations. 鼓励学生参加多种课外活动,融入正规的玩彩平台.

Does Curley offer the opportunity for students to take Advanced Placement courses?

Archbishop Curley currently offers eleven A.P. level courses for students desiring a more intensive study of the core subjects. 这些课程为学生提供大学水平的课程,这将挑战他们,并提供获得大学学分的机会. 每年,正规的玩彩平台都会拓展这些课程,帮助学生发展大学技能, time management, critical thinking, scholarly writing and give them a head start in college.